Class Reflection

This semester, I have learned many things in English 102. Professor Candia taught me that in order to better understand the piece of literature you are reading, it is important to know about the writer, their background and the time period the piece was written in. I have also learned how to analyze literature in order to understand what the author is trying to convey. My writing skills have also improved because I have become better at expressing my inner thoughts onto paper.
My views on literature have changed greatly. Prior to English 102, I would have never willingly read a poem let alone be interested in one. Every poem I had ever read made no sense. Taking this class has changed my outlook on poetry because it taught me how to read them and understand the deeper meanings within them.

I believe that I have grown most as a thinker. Every piece of literature I read, I think of why the writer wrote it, what the main theme is, the literary elements they used and how it enhances the literature. In 5 years I see myself being a nurse. Thinking is very important in nursing because you must think before you do something. Thinking before you act is key to avoiding mistakes.

What I liked most about this class is that every piece of literature we had to read, was discussed in detail during the next class.  Professor Candia expanded upon the literary elements used, the time period, the writer and their background. After taking this class, I have a greater respect for writers and their works of literature. I am thankful for this class and Professor Candia because it has opened my mind up to readings stories that I would have never thought about reading in the past.

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